Console boat rental Giethoorn ↓

Information about boats, waterway maps, rental duration, routes Giethoorn Boat rental Giethoorn

Console boat rental Giethoorn

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    whisperboat with steeringwheel

    Whisper boat with steering wheel
    1-4 persons

    Benches with backrest. Steering with the wheel and gasbox

    Online price
    €50,- up to 2 hours

    On sight 1-6 pers €60,- / up to and including 8 pers €70,-

    whisperboat with steeringwheel giethoorn reservation

elektrische boot voor 8 personen

Boat with electric engine
and steering wheel
max 8 persons

Online price
€70,- up to 2 hours

On sight €70,-

elektroboot met stuur voor 8 personen reserveren

vaarkaart vaar app giethoorn

Waterway map, app, help number

  • Including a map which you take with you in the boat and will be explained at the start and an explanation how to operate the chosen boat
  • App available or follow the route and listnen the audio in browser on your own device, available in multiple languages
  • For help during your boat ride we have a special phone number so that we can be reached quickly

Guaranteed reservation
also for TODAY

Our bookingsite shows realtime availability. With an online booking, skip the queue and go to the fastlane

boat rental and tours Giethoorn online tickets