Zwaantje Giethoorn has multiple type of boats and different sizes for rent: comfortable electric sloep, whisper boats, antique electric driven wooden punters, paddle boat.
The smallest cheapest boat for 2 members is the electric whisperboat for maximum of 4 memebers; or you might choose the more luxury sloep of course.
The biggest boat is for maximum of 10 persons. The reason you can only find a boat in Giethoorn till maximum 10 people for self driving, is that accordingly to Dutch law,
you are allowed to drive a boat yourself without a special license if the number of 10 is not exceeded.
Check all the possibilties or go immediately to the bookingsite where you
can find all the types as well and can see which boats are actually available.
Electric driven boats: whisperboat or comfortable sloep. Driving by yourself
Rent per hour, hours, day
Electrical boats
Powered by you, paddle boat. Canoes don't have a motor.
Rent per hours or day
Specialization of the little Swan: sailing boating on on wheels
Info boats accessible to wheelchairs