1 Usage of the baggage storage facility is always at risk of the user. Title 9 of Boek 7 Burgerlijk Wetboek concerning “custody” (bewaarneming) is not applicable for the agreement between Zwaantje and the users of the baggage storage
2 The prices for usage of the lugagge storage are fixed on €5,-, and €7,50 per item, depending on the size. The only items accepted are bags and suitcases. Items, including content, should not have a total value above €500,-. Zwaantje will not be hold responsible for damage or missing items with a higher value than €500,-.
3 Zwaantje is justified to check the content of de items. Zwaantje can refuse items that are too valuable, too big or have possible dangerous content. User safeguards Zwaantje against damage which is caused by (the content of) the items put in storage.
4 Per item Zwaantje will provide 1 receipt. Return of the items will only take place after handing over the receipt to an employee of Zwaantje. The same rules apply for temporary return of the items.
5 In case of a lost ticket Zwaantje will, after closing hours or at a suitable time take action to find the item. In case of no receipt Zwaantje can not be hold responsible for the consequenses.
6 Zwaantje will do everything to take good care of the stored items, to guard the items and to return the items in good condition. However, Zwaantje can not garantee that all the items always can be returned (undamaged).